Innocence Lost
- 30 Years Of Warpath -

Track #01
Dirk „Dicker“ Weiß – Vocals
Claudio Illanes – Guitars
Roman Spinka – Guitars
Sören Meyer – Bass
Norman Rieck – Drums
Track #02
Dirk „Dicker“ Weiß – Vocals
Ozzy Freese – Guitars
Thomas Schröder – Guitars
Maurer – Bass
Krid – Drums
Track #03, #09, #10, #11
Dirk „Dicker“ Weiß – Vocals
Flint Razorhead – Guitars
Sören Meyer – Bass
Norman Rieck – Drums
Track #04, #05, #06, #07, #08
Dirk „Dicker“ Weiß – Vocals
Jannik – Guitars
Maurer – Bass
Krid – Drums
1992 • When War Begins… Truth Disappears
1993 • Massive (2018 Re-Release)
1994 • Against Everyone (2018 Re-Release)
1996 • Kill Your Enemy
2016 • Bullets For A Desert Session
2018 • Filthy Bastard Culture
2020 • Innocence Lost – 30 Years Of Warpath
Innocence Lost - 30 Years Of Warpath
RELEASE DATE: 4. December 2020
MUSIC GENRE: Thrash Metal

- Der neue Release von WARPATH – erhältlich als CD Digipak sowie in digitaler Form.
- Track #1 gemastert von Dennis Koehne, Tracks #2-11 remastered von Dennis Koehne.
- Track #01 produziert und gemischt von Jörg Uken im soundlodge Studio.
- Tracks #02, #04, #05, #07, #08, #10 produziert und gemischt von Andy Classen bei Stage One.
- Tracks #03, #06, #11 produziert von Thomas Schröder & Warpath und gemischt von Eike Freese in den Chameleon Studios.
- Track #09 produziert von Warpath im Rehearsal Room, co-produziert und gemischt von Eike Freese in den Chameleon Studios.
- Coverartwork von Chris Hergt.

- The new release of WARPATH – available as a CD Digipak as well as in digital formats.
- Track #01 mastered Dennis Koehne, tracks #02-11 remastered by Dennis Koehne.
- Track #01 produced and mixed by Jörg Uken at soundlodge Studio.
- Tracks #02, #04, #05, #07, #08, #10 produced and mixed by Andy Classen at Stage One.
- Tracks #03, #06, #11 produced by Thomas Schröder & Warpath and mixed by Eike Freese at Chameleon Studios.
- Track #09 produced by Warpath at Rehearsal Room, co-produced & mixed by Eike Freese at Chameleon Studios.
- Cover artwork by Chris Hergt.
Seit 3 Dekaden treiben WARPATH aus Hamburg nun bereits ihr Unwesen und feiern dies mit ihrem neuen Release „Innocence Lost – 30 Years Of Warpath“!
Man darf sich auf 11 massive und alles zerstörende Thrash Kracher freuen – darunter unter anderem der neue und bis dato unveröffentlichte Song “Innocence Lost” (aufgenommen vom neuen und aktuellen WARPATH Line-up), einer anderen Version von „God Is Dead“ sowie der Originalaufnahme des Venom-Covers „Black Metal“ mit Gastvocals von Cronos (Venom) und Sabina Classen (Holy Moses).
WARPATH is raising hell for 3 decades now, and the thrash outfit from Hamburg, Germany, celebrates this occasion with the new release „Innocence Lost – 30 Years Of Warpath“!
Get ready for 11 massive, devastating and fear-killing thrash songs – including the new and previously unreleased song “Innocence Lost” introducing the new line-up of WARPATH, a different version of „God Is Dead“ as well as the original recording of the cover version of Venom’s „Black Metal“ – featuring Cronos of Venom and Sabina Classen of Holy Moses, among others.